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The accept all button was an alternative to accepting requests one by one on devices. Unlike Facebook, the app versions store lives which is good for those players who don't get many. Those of us who have many playing friends find we can build up thousands of requests which is time consuming waiting for all the pausing and loading up if you have to send them all back one at a time.
The trouble is, the more requests we have sat waiting, the more likely the app is to crash. Often leading to having to be uninstalled and reinstalled which means we have lost saved ones anyway.
The other alternative as I did when I got to 5000 requests, is either not play on the app. Which is a shame as we have so many chances to win free boosters on the app. Or disconnect Facebook meaning we do not get the requests through at all, so not even when we need them.
I know the studio had players complain that by accepting all, they could not store lives. I understand that. But why remove it altogether? What about the rest of us who do want it?
Why not give players the option. Add the accept all button back. If we want to use it we can. If we don't then we can accept them one at a time like happens now. That way all players have a choice and more will be happy
Ideas for the studio. I get a lot of people didn't like it because it either accepted all and for some reason they didn't realise that by clicking an "accept all" button, it would do as it said. But the trouble is. I have had to disconnect my FB account from the app again as I hadn't realised I had left it connected. In the several weeks since I cleared all lives (by deleting the app) its built up again to nearly 6000 which means either days of clicking slowly one by one, letting them build up and the app crashes, or leaving the app and not playing it. I have boosters. I cannot use them if I cannot use the app but do not want to lose them.
So how about a compromise.
How about limiting the amounts of requests the app will allow to build up.
How about give players the choice to accept all, but make it where beans and lives go into different lists so that we can accept all beans and maybe roadblock requests, but not the lives. Similar to sending lives to friends that play or ones who don't play.
Alternatively see if there is a way you can switch off for those who don't want it and have the accept all button for those of us who really don't care about saving lives, have plenty of beans but want to help friends. Because from my app on my phone, nobody is getting help. And I cannot play on the phone or all my requests go to my phone meaning when I am trying to blog FHS on the pc, I HAVE NO requests coming through to Facebook.
There has to be a compromise surely? People only complain, so you don't hear the many happy players when you do have the option
Yes please King we need it desperately! Please bring it back!
Yes, please, bring back the accept all button! If you like your loyal players, you will do this very soon!
Yes please bring back the Accept All button. I have thousands of requests from my FHS friends that i am not able to answer on time because it takes too long to accept them one by one.
Put the accept all button back&put beans and requests on one list or box&lives in another box or list
Also I would like to add that "accept all" should also be brought back for CC Saga too.
Yes please bring back the option to accept all lives on Android!
Ideas for the studio. I get a lot of people didn't like it because it either accepted all and for some reason they didn't realise that by clicking an "accept all" button, it would do as it said. But the trouble is. I have had to disconnect my FB account from the app again as I hadn't realised I had left it connected. In the several weeks since I cleared all lives (by deleting the app) its built up again to nearly 6000 which means either days of clicking slowly one by one, letting them build up and the app crashes, or leaving the app and not playing it. I have boosters. I cannot use them if I cannot use the app but do not want to lose them.
So how about a compromise.
How about limiting the amounts of requests the app will allow to build up.
How about give players the choice to accept all, but make it where beans and lives go into different lists so that we can accept all beans and maybe roadblock requests, but not the lives. Similar to sending lives to friends that play or ones who don't play.
Alternatively see if there is a way you can switch off for those who don't want it and have the accept all button for those of us who really don't care about saving lives, have plenty of beans but want to help friends. Because from my app on my phone, nobody is getting help. And I cannot play on the phone or all my requests go to my phone meaning when I am trying to blog FHS on the pc, I HAVE NO requests coming through to Facebook.
There has to be a compromise surely? People only complain, so you don't hear the many happy players when you do have the option