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Level 1
I find that King has the bad habit of putting up levels that have insufficient moves to be completed. It was the case of levels 1986, 2003 and now 2009 and manu others that i can't reember now.
I don't understand why this tactic to buy time for completing new levels. It's disrespectful!
Hi, you don't need to pay anything to pass the levels. King are trying to make it more challenging as you are at the very top of the levels and therefore supposedly much cleverer than those of us who are not. Unfortunately they haven't yet found the right balance, but based on feedback from players such as yourself, they are looking into changing levels and have already changed quite a few. Don't pay, just wait and try another game till they become slightly easier
Thank you Chiken. You are right that eventually they will increase the number of moves or decrease the challanges. What annoys me, is that they are trying to buy time at our expense. Don't worry, I won't spend a dime on boosters and such.
Its a free to play game so you don't have to. I happily buy if its to benefit me as it keeps the game going, but not if I feel I am being forced into it, but i honestly feel they will soon change the level as they have done before with many I blog, and I am continuously updating older videos as well that they have changed so its an ongoing process.
If you fancy trying a peaceful in between game while waiting , Paradise Bay is good too
Thank you. I will practice patience ☺Its a free to play game so you don't have to. I happily buy if its to benefit me as it keeps the game going, but not if I feel I am being forced into it, but i honestly feel they will soon change the level as they have done before with many
I blog, and I am continuously updating older videos as well that they have changed so its an ongoing process.
If you fancy trying a peaceful in between game while waiting , Paradise Bay is good too
This is the most impossible level I have come across so far - and there have been quite a few lately. Even with boosters and spending money on this it will still not be achievable. To hit the bottom right ninja (or whatever they're called) you need to get into a near-impossible position. That's besides having to collect 22 flowers, 260 carrots & 260 beetroots all in just 12 moves. Nuts!
Has anyone passed 2009?? I can’t get anywhere near hitting the red poppy flowers with the bull in 12 moves.
Not yet Stephanie but it is on the list to be looked at
This is the 1st one that i cant see a way of doing! Usually by now they ahev changed them as well
6 days ago you posted this and they still havnt fixed it I've just started this level and it's pathetic! Come on king your making it unjoyable now.
I just started playing now
could get two of those red bullfighters n moves are done ,this is getting impossible to pass !
Does any of the level developers actually win this!? Its crazy