Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Level 1
i am stuck on level 810. its so difficult level please help me to complete this level
Hey Warda wow you're doing great! I haven't got there myself yet but I found this video of another player passing the level that might help you
Good luck and let us know how you get on!
I am stuck too. I have never had this much trouble passing a level. I cannot find any sources that received 3 stars. Please help!Hey Warda wow you're doing great! I haven't got there myself yet but I found this video of another player passing the level that might help you
Good luck and let us know how you get on!
This level is really difficult, and you will need lots of luck to pass it. This is how I managed : first, make sure you have 3 shovels (that you can always buy for beans). Maybe it can be done without, but I did not manage.
"Waste" your first 2 shovels on breaking the top two water drops, and the first 2 moves on shifting them down into the first rows of water drops. Now, if you are lucky the rest of the level, those top 2 clusters will break "on their own".
From here, focus all your moves on the water buckets and the 2 lower flowers. Always pick the highest combination, never swap carrots unless you have to, or can break 5 in a row or get a nice setup for your next move.
Use your last shovel to get a row of 5 of something you need, pick a high amount of one item of break the last flower ; whatever fits best.
With this strategy you should be able to finish the level within a reasonable amount of attempts. Maybe you can even add another power-up if you have one left, but you don't need more then the 3 (or actually 2) shovels.
I believe it has been patched and now there are 75 crops for each kind, instead of 150. I tried an insane amount of showels and it never worked. I think I was stuck for a month and I was about to give up. I probably tried it 100 times or more. Thank you for patching this, it was insanely difficult.
You're serious ??
Yep, you are.....I still thought it was 150. So that probably explains better why I finally made it then my strategy ;-) I have been stuck on this level for weeks (although I must admit I played less and less because of that).
I also am stuck on level 810 and am getting quite frustrated with it. I have been trying for a couple weeks regularly to pass and nothing is working. I have read that some people only to gather 75 of each cropsie but mine still say 150 on both my phone and my FB acct. i have updated my game as well. any thought s or help would be much appreciated!