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farm heroes won't connect to Facebook

batbish Posts: 2

Level 1

I'm not going to reinstall like others have, and end up back at level one...  I play on my kindle and I'm not having trouble with any other game.  I was at one of the points where you have to ask for help or wait 3 days. I have gotten the help but it's not registering with the game on my kindle, so I can't go forward without the connection. I guess I'll wait for an update and/or just quit playing. I play for fun, not aggravation.  Ok, I updated Facebook on my kindle and now none of the games that connect through Facebook will connect. So maybe the problem is with Facebook. I registered the problem with Facebook too.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,425

    You won't go back to level one, once you can reconnect to Facebook. It will sync your progress. Of course that's only once you can connect, but don't worry, you won't lose progress :)

  • Casey_Holley
    Casey_Holley Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited March 2015

    I have tried all the steps that King Customer Care told me to....including removing and reinstalling. It seems like this is a global problem that is going to be ignored. I sent them screenshots of what it is doing to me. 

    I know a lot of people don't spend money on these games, but I do. Now, I can't access the gold bars that I paid for. This is ridiculous. Doesn't seem like King cares about its customers at all. If I pay for something, I should be able to access it on my devices without an issue.

    PS: I can connect to Facebook on Candy Crush, so it likely isn't a FB issue. Plus, FB is showing me my logins from FHS

  • Ashley_Lanum_Lee
    Ashley_Lanum_Lee Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I have the same issue today and all day yesterday but only with farm heroes. I've done everything with still no results here on both my kindle and my husband's. 

  • Ady1000
    Ady1000 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Must be something wrong at king's and my wife are having the same problem.connects ok on iphone.But not on kindle fire!

  • batbish
    batbish Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Today all the games, even farm heroes, are connecting. Hoping they'll stay that way. But if not, I'll have to remind myself that there are many other things I could do besides wasting time playing games( got a lot of sewing done yesterday!).

  • Casey_Holley
    Casey_Holley Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi! Please see this thread: connecting-to-facebook

    Cheers :-)

    That link doesn't work.
  • Casey_Holley
    Casey_Holley Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I have the same issue today and all day yesterday but only with farm heroes. I've done everything with still no results here on both my kindle and my husband's. 

    I am not very happy with King at all. They certainly seem to be uncaring about all of this. I can't believe I am back at Level 1 with NONE of the gold bars or boosts that I paid for. That is ridiculous. Seems like King stole my money.....
  • Catherine_Banks
    Catherine_Banks Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have the same issue today and all day yesterday but only with farm heroes. I've done everything with still no results here on both my kindle and my husband's. 

    I'm connected on my Apple iPhone but my Kindle won't connect. I uninstalled and then reinstalled and I'm at level one. Very irritating.