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Level 322 lack of Bonus matches

Steve_W. Posts: 2

Level 1

So I've managed to burn through about 70K beans before I came to the unpleasant realization that despite the fact I had been purchasing the +2 bonus to every match (for 1750 a pop) that I was in fact only getting the number of matches actually made - which also accounts for being unable to score enough to earn a 3rd star (which evidently I was credited with not once but twice, yet it still only shows having earned 2).

Given that I've now spent a week and untold resources trying to beat a single level where I may not be getting full credit for accomplishing, my interest to play this game is starting to wane to the point where I may be about ready to uninstall if something can't be done to remedy.


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526

    I'm happy just to get 1 star on a level, it just means I can get on with progressing through the game. I'm not sure you should let this get to you that much that you should install the game. Getting 3 stars is always a challenge, not a reason to give up.

  • JC-6
    JC-6 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I'm happy just to get 1 star on a level, it just means I can get on with progressing through the game. I'm not sure you should let this get to you that much that you should install the game. Getting 3 stars is always a challenge, not a reason to give up.

    The problems are not getting corrected & it gets very fustrating!

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