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add me to the growing list of people with no game sounds. windows 10, google chrome, play games thru facebook. had sound this a.m. then an hour later its gone. all settings on computer are fine, have sounds on facebook. please help us. thank you
No I have the same problem
NO SOUNDadd me to the growing list of people with no game sounds. windows 10, google chrome, play games thru facebook. had sound this a.m. then an hour later its gone. all settings on computer are fine, have sounds on facebook. please help us. thank you.
I can't enter in Pet rescue saga
No I have the same problem
NO SOUNDadd me to the growing list of people with no game sounds. windows 10, google chrome, play games thru facebook. had sound this a.m. then an hour later its gone. all settings on computer are fine, have sounds on facebook. please help us. thank you.
Thank you for posting on King care, its under investigation...please see this thread,
I don't have sound either, Mac, Google ChromeNo I have the same problem
NO SOUNDadd me to the growing list of people with no game sounds. windows 10, google chrome, play games thru facebook. had sound this a.m. then an hour later its gone. all settings on computer are fine, have sounds on facebook. please help us. thank you.
i have no sound on pet rescue or candy crush can you please fix it thanksThank you for posting on King care, its under investigation...please see this thread,
Try chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy and pick "no user gesture required"This is part of the new automute policy.
Jim, the auto mute seems to apply to videos on websites playing automatically. I would have assumed the games are not classed as videos..but who knows. I will pass this on and get it checked out. Thank you
Testing between the superstars it doesn't seem to make any difference, still no sound
It worked for me. This answer is posted on Google chrome sites.
We checked our settings, but it was already set to sound on sites I see the sites you are talking about. Unfortunately this is a really stupid move on chromes part. A lot of game users have no experience doing anything but turning games on. They shouldn't have to start disabling extensions, and going to keywords etc etc. They should just be able to turn the game on and play it.