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Hi @PummyRaj the sheep on my farm hope you feel better
Sorry my dear friend. I did not really understand. Are you having an issue with the comment box? With the tags? 🤔
Sometimes things go well And many times
I'm having trouble tagging And to write a comment, I cannot find a place to write it And I can't edit Or delete He repeats letters or words in an In a stupid way and it takes me off the page
It has become provocative and unbearable
No problem my lovely, please take care and all the time you need to get well soon 🤗💜
Yes I can imagine that it is unbearable, my poor Sister Amoon! 😿😟❤️❤️❤️
I have had some troubles accessing pages, they freeze and I have to go out and back again to see what's new on it. But I am fortunate not to have all the issues you and some many people have with that new comment box. They should have left the old box, it worked very well.
Don't worry, sister bat They seem to underestimate the power of bats They only saw the nice and the bright side, they never saw the dark side
I'll give you all my bat power my dear Amoon to fight the Evil Comment Box. They will see what us, bat sisters, we are made off, yeah!!!
Thank you, my bat sister 😘
Come a little closer so I can tell you something so that others don't hear us I fear that after that the magic will turn against the magician and we will find ourselves in the box Hahahaha instead of the comment box
Oh no, no, no.
I really love you my dear Sister, but no no no, will not enter that box ... ever!