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i use google chrome
And its like this when you clear?
no its not it like this
but i will change it to the one you show Lady-choo then maybe it wont clear the cookies in ccleaner
Yes you need to uncheck the cookies box as its cleaning cookies everytime.
You only really need to clean them occasionally and then personally I would manually delete the ones you don't want, rather than do a one click clean ๐
how do you do that then Ladt-choo plz as have never tried or heard of doing just the ones i need to do
You need to go into the cookies list, so you'd find it (for now until they move it ) settings? privacy and security > site settings > view permissions and data, that will give you a list of cookies and saved settings.
note that deleting any of them will not prevent you from accessing the sites in future, it just doesn't save data for fast loading and log ins.
ty so much Lady-Choo i will look into this hopefully sometime today if not it will be the 1st thing i do tomorrow cause at mo im having another issue when i log into my comp i end up going to my screen then i get a blackblank screen n then a small blue screen saying just a moment with a cycle wheel going round for a few seconds then it goes back to my screen
Oh! no idea on that. Hopefully its just a computer thing and it will right itself ๐
well wont be able to do anything now till i get my new comp as trying to fix the blue screen has done something else to my comp cant turn on wifi, audio or most things n the things that are suppose to be off are on and cant turn off so hopefully be back to playing and doing what you said Lady-Choocome 8th may LooL hopefully before
Just on this game or in general?