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Why am I no longer receiving beans or lives from my friends list?

For a month or more I have not received any beans/lives from my friends.  I do not have anyone on my friends list that I know personally, so therefore can’t ask them if they receive my requests.  I am now stuck at a roadblock.....Help!!


  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061
    Hi there imabearnut - welcome to the Farm Heroes community! :waving:

    I might have a solution that can help you with lives and roadblocks - however you'll have to play the game from a stationary computer instead of mobile. Try this:

    First make sure the mobile game is connected to Facebook - this will transfer all you progress and Gold bars.
    Next step is to create an account here: - just start level 1 and you'll see a prompt to create an account. Fill in your name and email and wait for the email confirmation. Congratulations! You are now member of the Kingdom and can now receive lives, beans and help with roadblocks!

    Final step is to sync your progress from Facebook to Kingdom. Please follow these steps:
    Log into - click on the 'settings' link in top right corner of the screen - from here click on 'account' and then on 'sync' - follow the prompt and all you progress will now be available on :hurrah:
  • Hi Mark,

    I don’t have a stationary computer, only my iPad.  Any other suggestions?  I’m stuck at a roadblock again!  I haven’t received any beans/lives in forever!! 🙁

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    Hi, you can play on a mobile, just log into the Kingdom instead. You would need to go to the website though and set it up and sync as Mark advised. I'm not sure if you can do it on a mobile browser, you could try viewing it in desktop mode if it doesn't work. I will see if I can find out for you :) 
  • Thanks for looking into this for me.  I am confused on what to do, so hopefully you have step by step instructions. 😜
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    Firstly, you can do it in desktop mode on a mobile browser :dizzy:

    I will see if I can find some detailed instructions :) 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    edited February 2019
    Help has arrived @imabearnut the first two links are Kings official links where it tells you how to do it.

    Now this one is to my own game blog link. It will be the same for any game, I just chose one to make an example of. The reason I have given you this one is because I have added pictures so you can see what you need to do step by step. If anything is not clear, let me know and I will do my best to help. Its taken me a little time as I had to start a new account on there so I could get all the images :D:D:dizzy:

    Good luck!
  • corinne0833
    corinne0833 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    J'ai le même problème je ne recois pas ou peu des haricots ou des vies et j'ai été aidée pour etre debloquer et l'aide n'arrive pas  pourtant les personnes etaient a côté de moi. Donc je dois attendre 3 jours
  • corinne0833
    corinne0833 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Même problème recois peu ou pas de vie et haricots la j'ai été aidé pour etre débloqué les personnes à côte de moi et rien n'arrive.
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403
    Hi @corinne0833 welcome to the community. Unfortunately we are only able to talk English here so I hope you understand me. Can you try using the Kingdom instead of Facebook? If you can translate and come back to me in English I can happily try to help :) 

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