Collect flowers for rewards!
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Hi! Marina. I'm Tee from Malaysia.
I'm like most of the event and side games. I also like the levels which can create cascade easily and with the firecrackers inside it. The firecrackers is so cute and is helpful to fulfill the requirements also.
Hi Marina 🙂👋😊
Now I am at the 1900 level I approach the 2000 level it's a bit difficult and challenge to play the highest level but I like to be the hightest level and I like it 1-2-3 Grow! crop Many of the plant I liked most, I played Farm Heroes Saga for the past 2 years but I have repeated back to level 1 to retry when I deleted my King account 🙂😊🤗
Hello Marina!
Nice to meet you! 🤗 Thank you for popping in to give us insights and tips 😻🙏
My name is Claire and I live in France. I am a "baby farmer" at level 270. But I played more levels than it seems as I enjoy playing the seasonal special events. They are tough, but taught me a lot! These are my streaming for the 123;grow or barn buddies events that I enjoy most. 😊
Thank you all for your valuable responses! They were appreciated by both Marina and the Studio as well! 🐝🧡 Now it's a new week and a new bee to be presented!
🐝 #2 Bee of the Week: Sara! 🌟
Today we’re talking to Sara who is the Associate Production Director at Farm! This involves a ton of things for Farm, and one of the main responsibilities is to make sure that Farm runs smoothly and that you, the player, are having fun with the different events and activities in the game!
Now let’s hear from her directly! ⬇️
💬 If the level is particularly hard, I'll count out loud how many moves I have remaining to make sure I don't run out. Doesn't always work but it keeps the number of moves in my head as I play.
💬 The onion. Especially when it's super big in Cropsie Showdown. I think it shows it's got many layers and I always want to give it a hug because of the tears 😄
💬 How much joy it brings our players. I love scouring the forums for all the wonderful things the players say about our game, and I frequently share with the team. Player feedback is so useful to us, and even when there are issues, we can try and fix them as soon as possible if a player has mentioned it. Also, the team here at King is the best team I've ever worked with. So many talented people with immense passion for the game.
👉 What do you want to see more of in Farm? Is there a specific event or something you think can make things better for you? Please let us know!
💬 Reply below with your answer, and don’t forget participating earns you the Queen Bee badge! 🐝✨
Bonjour à tous
Ravie d'avoir découvert le portrait de Sara.
Il faudrait d'avoir plus de jeux d'arcade (pourquoi un bowling, baby foot par exemple)
Le jeu acres risqués ne m'est d'aucune aide pour acquérir des boosters
ID 13225186063
#2 Bee of the Week
Hi Sara ❤️and Welcome
I am a new player in Farm Heroes Saga, I hope there will be more events that give Gold bars besides the favorite events 1-2-3 Grow. Thank you
Hi Marina, Hi Sara
Nice to meet you both.
I am currently on level 6'145. I didn't try it yet. First I will collect some boosters in the side games and Farmer's Market, because there aren't many moves and consequentely many boosters needed to solve it. In comparition to those levels, the ones in 4'460 area (I played them for earning gold bars in farmer's market and of course to see how the level's have been my team mate, who currently is that area, is playing) are much easier, some are even possible to win without the use of boosters. In the 6'000 area no chance without boosters, except former rancid levels (6006, 6021 etc.) which became pretty easy to play, thank you for that, it's like a little break ;-)
What I like most, Marina, is the cascade created by one move, especially when the bridges on the river are moving and cause another cascade before the next move.
@Sara: What I would love to play is a team event as I did describe today in "ideas". Thought I'll copy it for you, for you don't have to look for it:
"Honestly, I really miss the team events. Especially the one with the rangers, 'cause you get also rewarded team internal as the best collector. Hope there coming again soon.
As an idea for team events, I propose an event level especially for team events only. As a team we can collect cropsies, and all cropsies are counted, which could lead to a summary of how many cropsies of each the teams have collected and the total of ALL collected cropsies. Of course only for the best teams there will be special rewards, also for the individuals who collected most cropsies internal and external of the teams. Additional there could be a summary of how many levels the team as a whole has played, plus rewards (like in the ranger team event) for those in the team who won most levels. A team event level could also be of let's say as example 30 levels, if a player completed it, he'll play 30 more difficult levels than the first 30 levels etc. So there could be team ranking, and individual ranking team internal and individual ranking of all players."
Hi Sara! I'm Tee from Malaysia.
I have enough boosters in this game. If you ask me, I think it should have more Gold Bars side game event or features. I prefer that as my Gold Bars is not that much.
I totally agree with you, Tee. (btw. I'm Chris from Switzerland)
But I may admit that there are plenty of possibilities to earn Gold Bars by now, which was hardly possible in earlier years before 2024. You can get 14 per week in Farmer's Market. Ca. 8 plus in rancid riches (depends how many of the 200 will be successful) and in the race you can earn up to 20 Gold Bars per episode, and that's a great price for making only 15 levels.
@Sara: In this context I have another question to you. I have so many magic beans and I don't know what to do with them. Could it be possible to buy Gold Bars or at least Boosters with some beans? I know for 250 beans you can buy 3 shovels if you don't have any. To have thousands of beans and no possibilities to use them doesn't make much sense. Of course, I can pay the companions (I miss them in the side games like actual "Water Well" btw.), but there are still thousends and thousends of magic beans remaining…
Hello Sara. Thank you for telling us a bit about yourself and what you do to make farming so much fun. It's very important to us that you are listening to our feedback.
The one thing is like to see more of is the team event. We all miss it so much!
Also I would like a way to use the millions of beans I've collected. It would be nice to spend them on boosters. Pet rescue saga has a feature where you can cash in for boosters