Level 56 has a tutorial which has to be played a certain way. On the second move it only allows you to move one way which doesn’t not make a match. There is no other way to get around it. Can someone help please?
If you play on mobile, make sure the app is updated to the latest version. Then force close the app and restart the device to get all bug fixes.
On desktop, clear the browser cache and cookies.
If you play via the Windows app, click on the Windows icon down to the left on your PC. Choose Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Farm Heroes Saga > Advanced options and click on ‘Reset’.
OI! Aconteceu o mesmo comigo. Não saio mais desse nível. Mandei msg para o atendimento e eles acham que a minha pergunta se referia a um nível difícil, mas não é. Não dá para fazer nada.