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Cropsie Garden - What are your thoughts 🧐

QueenB Posts: 15,836
edited September 2019 in Feedback

The studio would like to hear your thoughts on the Cropsie Garden!

What do you like about the Cropsie Garden and why?

What do you dislike about Cropsie Garden? Why?

What would you change about Cropsie Garden?

All your comments will go straight to the team that works on the game. 

Don't be afraid to be brutally honest, this won't affect your chance of winning Gold bars 😉



  • Mildred_2_2
    Mildred_2_2 Posts: 31

    Level 3

    The Cropsie Garden is cute, don't like the idea of using a lot of beans to water it every day. Don't mind giving it hugs though. 
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836
    edited September 2019
    @Mildred_2_2 hugs are always nice 🤗

    Instead of Magic Beans to water the Cropsie, what would you prefer to use?
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,947
    I’m not so fond of the cropsie  garden. It’s cute and I like the little sound it makes when I cuddle it and water it but I am busy doing other things during the day and so I might water it twice a day and cuddle it 3-4 times a day so I never get past the third leaf. It’s not the increase in beans that deters me from completing it, it’s the time factor. Maybe if the watering time was reduced to every hour, and/or the overall time of the challenge was extended. I do play Farm Heroes daily. Also If you reduced how much watering and cuddling it takes to get to the 4th leaf. I just get frustrated because I never get past the third leaf. 
  • Mildred_2_2
    Mildred_2_2 Posts: 31

    Level 3

    If you could make it a certain amount for all the time. What if the amount was 100 beans each time to water , then maybe more people would be interested in watering the plant all the time. I need most of my beans to keep playing the game.
  • LisaMarieB
    LisaMarieB Posts: 5

    Level 2

    The Cropsie Garden is cute but don't like the idea of using a lot of beans to water it every day. And it Takes TOO LONG to get AT LEAST ONE REWARD. 
    Honestly...I will Not Miss it! 
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836
    Thanks for sharing @LisaMarieB and welcome to the Community 🤗
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    I honestly have not tried it as I haven't had chance on tablet. But I hear its quite time consuming and the rewards are not as good as people would like. There were a lot of complaints about using too many beans when people are struggling to find them as it is :( 
  • Astrid68
    Astrid68 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I did like the cropsie, but it also made me nervous.
    Beans not a problem but the stars I could not get always. When I had I used them whenever I could but never good enough for anything..
    Made me feel like a failure, could not even keep a strawberry alive..
    Next time I won't bother anymore 
  • When I saw it for the first time I really fell in love with the idea of growing your own cropsie pet and interacting with it. I agree with @bearwithme it's time-consuming and I would like to see less waiting time to water it. As for the beans, I hoarded a lot of them during the years and they are not a problem to spend. However, I can relate to players who don't have too many beans because you invest a lot of beans and reward is quite unsatisfying. This is another thing to think about, make it more rewarding. What if after the last leaf we get some kind of Candy Crush like jackpot = 1 of all the boosters in the game?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?