Hi, how come that I dont get any beans or lives from friends no more. Even none request ...and where are the challenges? Iam still waiting......sigh. So boring...
Friends does send life only... not beans. do u hav honeypot mode? Ur teammates in honeypot can send life too every 24 hrs. island rush coming soon ... final for the island rush.
Honeypot????? never saw a honeypot, not on the laptop, or my phone. Just a piggy bank with 25 goldbars you can buy for 3,49 euro's... a honeypot hmmmmm..interesting. Bur serious, i got beans from friends, sometime a lot, but now........i get nada noppes none, even not lifes. waiting for events or challenges, to go forwards. this is boring.
Off topic subject but can someone explain to me when I win 5 extra moves and I don't use them .. they disappeared so I can use of other levels.. why does this happen