Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Update : they have fixed it! 😁 the white sheep isn't blocking any crops anymore, and yes it was a bug. Thank you for Farm heroes saga team!
U need to collect 18 sheep in a small space?
really not easy lvl
That the reason y it is lvl 3000+
If its game over and it shuffles and it can't do anything, it will be game over. There are some levels like that. We will pass feedback on anyway thank you 😊
u mean the sheep got reshuffle ?
sheep doesn’t get reshuffle ...
I think what he mean is he move that sheep over.
Hi @stan1981
I don't think I have ever seen sheep shuffled. I have seen them shawn, but definitely not shuffled.
I know the sheep doesn’t move. But until there are no more moves left the game won’t shuffle. There is still a move on that board. When the game shuffles, I think it’s 3 times if memory serves correctly, and can’t do anything (because of the sheep this time) it ends.
Update : they have fixed it! 😁 the white sheep isn't blocking any crops anymore, and yes it was a bug. Thank you for Farm heroes saga team!
That nice ! Good
In my game there are 18 sheeps to be collected. After 10 sheeps. One sheep blocks the way kindly fix.