Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
This is where I am! So much fun! Thanks for making quarantine a little more bearable!!
Happy you are enjoying yourself @chrissyfro78 🤗
sorry to ask..but very confused about this Queen Bee, who says she is giving me +1 at every game, but I have NEVER once seen any change in my boosters????So confused!!!!
Ok...sorry..now I get it with the Queen Bee!!!!!!
Thank you..may I ask a question abut Rancid. I am stuck on level 2196...but my question is..what are the Power Up +1 or +2 supposed to do. I have never yet seen any extra +1 or +2 on the game board when i have paid to use these. So now I just try to get by on the FREE power up. Am I missing something??? Thanks.
Hi @lorac It buys you extra moves.
Hello @tiotiote and @snownuggets - Welcome to the Farm Heroes Community 🤗
Well done for joining the very exclusive Farm Level 2000 Club 🎉You guys can be proud!
You also can claim your Level 1000 here and Level 3000 here - 👈 Just click on the green links 😉
See you all around the Community 🍒
Oh and by the way... We're celebrating Farm Heroes 6th birthday today and we're giving away plenty of Gold bars and another exclusive badge for the occasion.... head here to participate.
I would like to receive my badge for completing level 2000 in FHS. Attached is a screen shot from my game.