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🌟 Help us improve Accessibility for players in Farm Heroes Saga!

QueenMia Posts: 12,972
edited May 2020 in Discussions

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Dear community,

A great saga needs all sorts of heroes and that’s why we embrace and celebrate what makes us different rather than what makes us the same. 

👉As the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) takes place on the 21st of May, our fantastic Game Studios would like to focus on how we could deliver the best game experience for every one of you. And you, Community Member, can help us to help you!

What is Accessibility? 

Accessibility is the degree in which our game can be made playable to as many people as possible. By improving the accessibility, we can make the game more inclusive, as it allows different kinds of people with different kinds of limitations to all be able to enjoy it!

Here are some kinds of disabilities we are trying to keep in mind:

Here are some examples we’ve got so far: 

  • Flashy particles: Players with eg. epilepsy may struggle with flashy visual effects causing seizures or hurting their eyes.
  • Scrolling through the Saga Map: Players with arthritis or other physical impairments may find scrolling through episodes physically exhausting.
  • Colour blindness: Players with this genetic condition may have problems differentiating the different types of bombs, candy and other colour-based objects in the game. 
  • ...and we’re sure there must be many other things too!

🌟 We would love to hear about the ways Farm Heroes Saga is helping you in terms of accessibility - or anything that could help! And even more, we would love to know if you are experiencing specific difficulties while playing. All your feedback will be helpful to keep on delivering the best for you.

Thank you so much everyone and Happy playing 🙌

Stay safe and happy 🍒



  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    The searchbar that I suggested should be better for those who have problem whit there hands.

    That are one thing I don´t understand. It they are aware that flash things get problem to players like the one that have epilepsy why haven´t they already taking that away. I´m pretty sure that people that have epilepsy just stop playing.

    And it has been players that have written that there eyes hurt or that they get headace/migraine so the part with flash/moving things I don´t understand why they want to have feedback on that now, since it is already known.

    The search here in the community are not so god but you have three threads here that says about that. I know it should be more threads that complain about the flash/moving things.




  • Stroe
    Stroe Posts: 3

    Level 1


  • Giovanna2009
    Giovanna2009 Posts: 132

    It could be very useful for people who forget things, it could help them focus more or people who have problems with anxiety or attention deficit, since with Farm Heroes saga you relax, get distracted and focus. I hope to be helpful.

  • Juliuszkuliusz1
    Juliuszkuliusz1 Posts: 213
    edited May 2020

    **Edit by CM: Unsupported language**

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776

    Welcome to our Community @Juliuszkuliusz1  🤗

     Sorry, but we only use English in the King Community, to make sure that everyone understands and can be understood. 

    Please feel free to re-post your question in English and one of our members will be happy to help you.

    Thanks for your understanding and have a lovely day. 😊

  • ringobatkin
    ringobatkin Posts: 61

    Level 3

    I would recommend an easy way to get around the map. Sometimes there are contests where you have to replay a level, and it's difficult to scroll all the way down (especially on mobile). I'm over level 2000, and it would be difficult to get back to level 4, for example. It would be hard for those with arthritis or another disability.

  • SBH
    SBH Posts: 69,476

    Saga Farms Heroes it's Perfect !!! :-)

  • Sandyleon1
    Sandyleon1 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited May 2020

    **Edit by CM: Unsupported language**

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776

    Welcome to our Community @Sandyleon1  🤗

    Sorry, but we only use English in the King Community, to make sure that everyone understands and can be understood. 

    Please feel free to re-post your question in English or visit El rincón Hispano and one of our members will be happy to help you.

    Thanks for your understanding and have a lovely day 😉

  • laiza_helena
    laiza_helena Posts: 5

    Level 2

    it would be nice to accept languages ​​other than English here ... browsers usually translate things automatically, so we could comment directly here without using the google translator

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?