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Rancid Level 2631-Virtually Impossile



  • carolthescot
    carolthescot Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Yes Rancid,and you never know they might just be thinking that right now if they are reading this thread ๐Ÿ˜Œ

    I know we are up for a challenge but when it comes to levels like that it is just SO extreme. I'm just glad they are rare to the game- they don't become enjoyable after a while and give you a lot of tension-well it did for me anyway, but guys if i can do it there is hope. There is always hope so never give up. Love to all xxx Carol xxx๐Ÿ’œ

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    @MountainMom & @carolthescot

    Hello dear players!

    Thanks for agreeing to me. I made my own experiences with the boosters. There is no point in collecting them. You could get lost with under. It happened to me and then they were gone. It is better to use them. Because you always get new ones! Just a well-intentioned tip from me.
    Have fun playing!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi @carolthescot

    I do know what the team thinks. I have spoken to a couple of them personally, face to face. Not in an email, not on a forum post. Face to face.

  • carolthescot
    carolthescot Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Do you think i care,seems you're being big headed Rancid. I got help from the community that's all that matters to me. I really can't be bothered with big heads and show offs-there's no need for it.

  • LeaC
    LeaC Posts: 148

    Iโ€™m there now and really struggling. Often getting 0% change when matching cropsies, or 1% which is equally useless. Used up every booster and the +2 boost with a huge amount of beans.

  • carolthescot
    carolthescot Posts: 30

    Level 3

    I feel for you LeaC, I really do-here's a wee hug โŠ‚((ใƒปโ–ฝใƒป))โŠƒ and the best of luck to you โœฟโ™ฅโ€ฟโ™ฅโœฟ

  • LeaC
    LeaC Posts: 148

    Well I spent the last couple of days stocking up on boosters via events and quests, and finally passed the level! Hallelujah ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • carolthescot
    carolthescot Posts: 30

    Level 3

    WTG LeaC ๐ŸŽ‹๐Ÿ˜

  • lorac
    lorac Posts: 84

    Level 3

    Officially getting bored now. I have been stuck on this level for ages. I have read all of this advice and its ko help. To anyone who got through did you use the breaker or the cleaner? What is the use of spending beans on boosting up Rancid by +1 or +2 as I have NEVER seen any boosting at all when using my beans..not sure what that is about. Any help appreciated

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,416

    Hi @lorac and Good Morning ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŒž ๐ŸŒž I'm sorry that your are stuck at level 2631. I played it again and is not an easy level there are a lot of grumpy cropsies

    To beat Rancid the Raccoon, you can use Magic Beans to power up, which make it easier to achieve this goal and beat the level,but usually I don't use beans to beat Rancid, I prefer to buy shovels. First try to match in the upper tab the cropsies next to the flowers and after in the other tab. Will be helpful if you have some boosters, color collector, tractor or shovels and use the cleaner!

    I'm sure that you can beat it! Let me know.

    I wish you a nice day๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

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