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Not receiving my Magic Beans!

Petapops Posts: 2 Newbie
edited July 2020 in Support

I am given beans and win beans but they never show in the numbers they just disappear and you can also have over 3000 beans then you look and you suddenly only have just over 200. This is just one niggle I have as you need to look at what you charge for gold bars as most times if you buy more it would get cheaper but in your case they cost more????.


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,266 Community Manager

    Welcome to our Community @Petapops 🤗

    Is your issue that you are losing your Magic Beans?

    Remember that before starting a level, one of the Companions will automatically be activated to help you out so if you don't unselect t it before starting a level, you will be using the amount of magic beans it cost to activate the companion.

    And for every attempt you have, the more magic beans will be used to keep the companion activated. As for the Gold Bars, I didn't quite catch the issue. Do you have an exemple?

  • MrKizart
    MrKizart Posts: 118 Level 3

    @Petapops Did you get the issue resolved? If you're on an iPhone, this tends to happen a bit due to an issue with the Date/Time stamp in Settings.

    Let me know what develops! Laters!

    "I swear to God Amy... this time, I'm gonna set the entire house on fire if those magic beans don't show up!!"

  • Petapops
    Petapops Posts: 2 Newbie

    No I do deselect the companions, I have also checked before the amount of beans I have before I add the ones I am sent or win and notice quite often that they do not go go onto the count. This in fact happened yesterday I had been sent 2x100 from friends (although in fact they were trying to send me a life) so checked what I had then added them and guess what again they didn’t go onto my total.

    What I mentioned about the gold bars is that 26 are £4.99 but 52 are £9.99 instead of at least double of the previous £9.98 but surely to entice people to buy the larger amount they should be slightly cheaper not dearer?

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,266 Community Manager

    Thanks for the additional details @Petapops 😊

    I'll pass on your feedback regarding the different Gold Bars prizes and the amount if offers 👍

    As for the Magic Beans not getting added, I think this is something our Player Support team needs to have a look at, if you're playing through your mobile, follow these steps in order to get help:

    Open game app and tap on settings:

    Tap on "Customer Care"and select "Technical and Connection issues":

    Then scroll all the way down and tap on "Contact Us":

    This way support will have your details to be able to look in to this.

    Hope this helps 😉

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