Here we go again ... The Win Moves Wheel worked on Aug 29 after updating to new Windows 10 Candy Crush App to 1.1581.2.0 but it offered me extra moves today and then it is back to "no stop button" again ... So it worked once, now of course, it is broken again.
To all: Just checked and the Candy Crush App in Windows 10 is now at Version 1.1581.2.0 ... Win moves wheel worked for me, so maybe they have it fixed this time.
You do not need to claim the timed boosters immediately. Just go do something else for a couple of hours while you build up lives. Then go back to the game and use them. I agree, in most case they are worthless, but the UFO Timed Booster did help me on a couple of levels in the low 211* series of the game. But I also want…
Just so you know, if you use the link provided by Scooterpie above to play the game at that website creates a whole slew of Temp Files on your computer. This is something King should fix ... And I also agree: A lot of people will give up this game or like me, just keep trying and trying until a level is done. I…