Queen Bee There is nothing wrong with my browser. In fact, when I play Jigsaw World there's a button which gives me the option of playing on a full screen and it works perfectly fine. Can't you folks offer this ability to the players Farm Heroes Saga? thanks again
Thanks again PummyRaj for trying to help me. Let me say a couple more things -- 1) When I play Jigsaw World the screen is full and I have no bar on the right with the game links.2) I used my cell phone to take the pic of Farm Heroes Saga because I was unsuccessful with trying to do it from the Desktop.3) I even talked to…
Thank you for trying to help me. My settings won't let me go less than 100%. And I'm through trying to make this thing work by taking anymore pix of the screen with my cell phone. It's been a fun run and I've really enjoyed this game. Love and blessings always ~~ JanetWP
I'm trying to play Farm Heroes Saga on my desk top NOT MY CELL PHONE. In order to show you what the screen looks like I took a picture from my cell phone to show that I cannot access the right side of the playing area to get the tractor and other things because the bar at the far right hand side of the screen where other…