@Diad I can only imagine! I've been having trouble with lev els under 800 lol and that's what I need to do know that the levels are getting a little more "Brain Worthy" good luck!
@Kettlechips do you have any idea when I will start offered to watch an ad for boosters?? I ended up using around 5000 beans buying the shovel offer lol and of course 90 beans to use for help on the game.
Oh WOW! Well I started playing this game about 4 or 5 years ago and but only for a year or less lol and I've been off work for 8 months due to surgery. Kinda hoping I don't go back cause this is a VERY ADDICTIVE GAME!
I've been stuck for days on level 575 I believe for going on 4 days left. I have now rewards to help he out and in no longer get to watch an add for extra. Moves or other power. Please help me find a way to get through this. And I run outta lifes in less then 30 minuted me and this game have a love/hate relationship.…