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Kerry_Beech Level 2


  • What I don’t understand is king own candy crush and we don’t have these problems on that. Every level we now have to ask for them to modify and it’s getting boring, I have spent quite a bit on both games and am getting fed up!
  • Me too, I used to play a level for days, never giving up cause I knew it was possible but since 2009, I’m now on 2016 and now I can’t be bothered cause I know it’s impossible!
  • Thank you
  • I also agree that 2009 was way to easy after being modified, there needs to be a happy medium!
  • I can’t open that thread, but level 2010 is silly, are all these levels going to be like this now, thinking about giving up which is a shame considering I’ve got this far!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?