yes, I did manage to complete it with about 8 extra moves 😓 It helps to know that metal blocks precede any Pets…but I don't know how to make the metal blocks appear!
Hi @JacyntheBrunelle and @acfwheat - it really is a difficult level, but can be done! First you need to get them down and the glass broken from on the butterflies. Then comes the difficult task of filling them while you also avoid the line blasters removing them 😬 Have a look at the example below, I hope it helps? Good…
I agree @lesleyward Level 8585 is really impossible without many extra moves, or may be the mega bomb (if you have one) 😿 I will report this level, hopefully it can be made easier?
Hi @Renny_Landstra There are enough butterflies. First you need to get them down and the glass broken from them Then comes the difficult task of filling them while you also avoid the line blasters removing them 😬 Have a look at the example below, I hope it helps? Good luck!
Hi @IriaTido it's just a glitch within the game and is being fixed (soon, hopefully) It does not affect the game play, so ignore what it says until it's fixed! 🙂
Hi @Bernadettefarrell Level 1956 is all about sliding your columns to move the Pet. Have a look at the example below to see how to do this. Note, it's from the older version of the game, but the Level still works the same. Good luck 🙂
It's being fixed, but does not affect your game play, so ignore it (replace the % number with the word Pet!) Hopefully all will be back to normal soon 🙂