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Txisco Level 2


  • Passed it, after more than 10 tries, it's not easy but not impossible now. 
    in 1995 Comment by Txisco October 2018
  • Another level to waste all your progress in Boonie boosters
  • Same problem. Tried 6 times. I got the spider and one sheep, but impossible to move the other with such few movements. 
    in 1995 Comment by Txisco September 2018
  • I have seen the same "problem" is repeated each 10 or 12 levels. At the end it is fixed after one week or so, when you have waste all your boosters. I cannot believe this is casual. 
  • At certain levels it is impossible to progress if you don't buy extra movements. This is a fact and the way to get incomings for King

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