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Level 2


  • My id is 1300126055 @LoFiGummy & @Lady_Choo I'm using a Samsung mobile
  • Hi @MMM1__ , I'm having exactly the same problem with events. Really hope they sort it for me. Have contacted the support team several times but keep getting the same generic answer. There obviously is an issue as this hasn't happened in the 7 years I've been playing. Do you know what they did to help you?
  • Thank you @PummyRaj. My Game ID number is 1300126055 I'll be very grateful for any help you can give me
  • I've not had any new events for 2 months now. Have contacted them numerous times but just get the generic answer back. Never happened before in 6 years so I know it's not normal. Even lost my Farm Pass which I'd paid £4.99 upgrade after 2 days.

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