Hi everyone, have you some news about bonnie? Many Players have bonnie and they can reach higher levels. Why i can not still have bonnie? Thank you so much
buona sera a tutti , mi sono appena iscritta . Sono al livello 1233 e non ho ancora il cavallo Bonnie !! Andare avanti senza di lui è davvero difficile , mi potete aiutare ???? Grazie mille a tutti !!!
Hi everyone, i've just joined the community. Im at level 1233 but i still have not Bonnie the horse. Going on in the in the game without the horse is so difficult . Is there someone who can help me? Really thank you to all!!!
Hi everyone, i've just joined the community. Im at level 1233 but i still have not Bonnie the horse. Going on in the in the game without the horse is so difficult . Is there someone who can help me? Really thank you to all!!!