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sandralips Level 2


  • Unfortunately, this maken no difference, not on my iPad nor my iPhone.
  • I already have tried this, made no difference. On my ipad I reinstalled the app, not knowing my boosters than disappear!! So now, here I am, no beans and no boosters anymore.....
  • This is on my iPhone
  • @QueenB , sorry, I have to correct myself , I do see the Gold Bars on mobile and my iPad. I first looked in the level itself instead of on the map.....
  • QueenB, mostly I play mobile. I just checked both on pc and mobile and you are wright. No gold bars mobile. On pc they are. Something else that's strange: beginning the same level, on pc I can choose from different "helpers"than on mobile. I mean the cards that you can check before the level starts. Is this normal??
  • Hello everyone! I play Farm Heroes with a lot of fun, but last week a problem happened. All my beans are gone! I have seen others had the same problem, tried to get an answer by sending an email to support with my id, but they refered me to here. What now? Greets, Sandra
  • Oops! I thought I was there........I'll try again, thank's.

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