Farm hero level 1560
On level 1560 you have changed the game once again there is no rainbow or discs to clear 3 lines its impossible to get the amounts you are asking for in the amount of goes can you check this level and make it possible for me to do. my id is for facebook 1301698097 thank you
on level 1282 i ave the right companion for 90 beans its meant to give me apples its not
the amount of 275 for level 1282 is way to high i will never get this with the amount of 14 goes been trying for ages even tools cant help on this one cause not enough left on board to make up the number facebook id user 1301698097
why are you making it impossible for players pass levels have read other players comments
id 1301698097 level 1133 is not going to work I have bought gold and tools its pointless do you really want people to play your games I am not going to purchase anymore gold oap it comes out of my pension and if you continue to change levels then you lose out not just the players dont mind paying for gold but not to see…
my id for farm hero saga 1301698097 level 1126 impossible to reach quota needed
well I have been on this level now for sometime and you say its passable well the most i can collect is 50 with 1 go left only 5 on the board tell me how i can turn both into 50 to complete level from 5
why are my levels different from what is on u tube id 1301698097 farm hero saga
farm hero saga level 1125 my version says 150 plums and 100 drips and only 20 goes On U Tube it says 1125 100 plums and 50 drips also 24 goes can you explain why some of my levels are different please can you fix it thank you this is the 2nd level in a row I have had to tell you about 1124 was not the same as u tube
farm hero level 973
Thanks for video randle but when my companion is in full power it just clears and does not blow on shells
how many spades can you buy at one time with magic beans
At the moment I can only buy 3 spades with 250 magic beans but I noticed on you tube others are able to buy more at one time costing 250 magic beans for each buy. one player bought 12 spades all in one go at the cost of 3000 magic beans. He just kept buying them so he had 12 spades to start game with I have looked on forum…