good Morning; been on 2897 for 3 days, can't get any boosters because of the new Choc, Box stuff to collect is to difficult to get in 2 days. The black things on 2897 block every move I set up, can't get around them. i told myself I would not make any more post about hard levels but this one has me beat, thanks
I guess 2897 is going to be my waterloo for CC, I've played 20 more times since my last post. With new Choc. box I can't get the daily booster to help with this level. I'm just tired of playing something that I don't stand a chance of winning. Thanks for your help, but why have levels like this? Relax not on 2897.
Larry Holland I am not getting the boosters from F5 or the Wheel ? thanks
can this be fixed?
There is just not enough moves to beat this level, been on it for 3 days, used everything I have still not enough moves. Please don't tell me to watch a video at this high of level I know how to play the game, Thanks
Not listed as a hard level , been on it 3 days can't even get close to winning. The Choc. blocks just move to fast to make a play, and there are not enough move 18 moves to get 48 jelly's? Just to much stuff in the way to get the jelly's Thanks
been on this level for a week or longer. I have used every tool I have nothing works. Had 1 game that I only needed to remove 1 jelly and 1 cherry, used my 1 UFO it remover the jelly but not the cherry. The lower cherry cannot be removed unless you get the top one 1st. I have done all I know how to do
Fan 5
the only way I get the prizes off Fan 5 is to be playing when a level is hit, If I'm out of lives and not playing I do not get the prizes
F 5
the F 5 did it again. I was the high p;ayer on the board when I ran out of lives. . Came back for lunch the game was over and for the 4th time I did not get any of the prizes
Fantastic Five
The last 3 times when we reached the 7K rewards I was not playing although most of the 7k was with my plays . I did not received any of the rewards since I was not playing at the time the 7K was reached didn't used to be that way. HAs there been a change?
you must be kidding! 3 different candies 22 each in 22 moves and the cadies are not even on the board you have click on the disk to get them and the jelly machine keeps 1/2 of the board closed. I have played this level 30 times, the last 5 times I had a colored ball, striped ball,and exploding package for all 5 tries never…