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lynnette125 Level 2


  • lynnette125
    lynnette125 earned the 50 Comments badge.
    Eat, comment, sleep, repeat. We like your style.
    June 1
    • lynnette125

      thanks 😊. But I have an issue if a question. I gave up everything I reached a new level I tryed to

      Post it like everyone else but for some reason I never got them except one. Level 3 I’m now on level 9343 I think give ot take a few numbers I want all my level

      Badges so what am I doing wrong I was told where to go and what shits they want I’m pretty sure I did them right I’m going to try and get all my badges I dint have proof on level 1 and 2 I have 3 but I want them all that I played so

      Hard to get and money of course so I’ll try again if anyone sees this can u comment on exactly what page or screen shot I should use I no there only a certain one u say u need I have so many screen shots I just want to mske sure I’m doing it right this time thank u Lynnette p.s I’m still locked out of my game for 4 days now my screen went frozen and I was the top dog lol No one seems to not no how to get back support tells me all the things go to do but I can’t get in I can only get in here Help me if someone knows more then me I’m ready to give up up but I had so many bars and boosters I just had bought THSNKS sorry for babbling in anx on I’m just verry frustrated 😩

    • rebelchild

      Hi @lynnette125 I have seen you pleas for help throughout the community. I did answer you. Maybe you didn't see it. I can help you with the badges.

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