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Darwin’s Diary! Level Tips 🤓 - Episode 141!

QueenB Posts: 15,813
edited April 2020 in Level Tips

Darwin’s Diary!


How have you’ve been, my dearest Diary?!

I hope you are hanging in there, no matter how dark it looks outside. Because here, inside, where I am, the sun is always shining!!

Have you been enjoying the last 2 Episodes? The double pack release??

I LOVED it!!!

Here is to another great Episode - Episode 141! 🙌


I NEED to SHOW you how beautiful it is here!!

This was made to give everyone in this world a message - LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED!!!

(Even Fidget is lovely this time and not soooo hungry as usual :D )


The Butterflies fell asleep, then the trees decided to leave some leaves everywhere - and the Butterflies underneath!!

But I know where they are - hehehehe..

Shall I tell you???

From left to right is A to H. From top to bottom is 1 to 8.

The Butterflies are hidden under: C1 / G2 / A3 / H5 / C6 / G6 and C8

But no one else shall know it!!!


I am trapped!!! In ICE!! Did I not say all is sun in my world? Well, as soon as I get out of the ice block, it’ll be super fun!! It is a bit tricky to get to the Hay tbh. 

I think I will need some help from the Hedgehog family and Miss Cloud.

But if they help me and the Hedgehogs are right next to me when they wake up, I will get ALL the Hay and win the level!

Doesn’t it look like fun??

I personally LOVE this Episode as it’s a dedication to EVERYONE!

I guess what we want to say is that WE LOVE YOU ALL!

And I love you too, dear Diary - don’t get jealous ☺️


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?