I have all the sounds on my games on silent. Recently now, it resets every time I log in. and music starts to play. There are reasons I play with the sounds off and have it set that way. Why does it keep resetting and How do I keep my sound settings to OFF? And yes I searched the threads and nothing covered this on a "sound" search. :-) :-)
This is the first time I'm hearing this @Heather_Mundy so we have no threads that cover this.
It sounds like a bug so can you let me know which device you're playing on, PC, mobile, Android, Apple, and the game app version installed if you're on mobile?
I'll check with the studio and see if they can reproduce this and fix it, thanks
I use chrome, and this is the only game that it was happening on. it happened on Candy crush once a couple days ago. That is how it started on Farm... once and a while to every time. No I have not cleared any cache yet.