I have not seen the 45 levels per week limitation, but I certainly agree that a bit of extra time is not very valuable whereas the actual boosters liket he super lolly were VERY helpful. Now it seems I can't get them anywhere anymore.
I get so sick and tired of the changes not only to the look and feel but especially features like the Friends Challenge. This was about the only way to ever score UFO's and now it is gone. Every time we get used to something, they take it away. Just money grubbing all the time. I am this close to quitting…and I am almost…
I understand adding new challenges and new features etc. But, for example, I was working on a level and wanted to cash in my piggy bank and lo and behold, NADA. No notice, just gone. Mark my words, next week it will be back. These are not changes, these are disruptions.