I think @tina2shoes summed it up perfectly: "WE SIMPLY WANT TO PLAY CANDY CRUSH WITHOUT BEING SUBJECTED TO CELEBRITIES". I think King made a HUGE mistake by putting KK's face on every screen. Of course their intent was to attract new players, but instead they ended up upsetting a whole bunch of their long-time loyal…
Yeah, there definitely should have been a "frustrated Yeti". That would probably have gotten all the votes. It sure would have gotten mine! The 20 or 30th time playing a level becomes not-so-fun!
I totally agree with everyone saying how she's ruining their game. Why on earth King picked her as their "celebrity" is beyond me. Remind me again why she's "famous"? Oh yeah, cause her sister made a sex tape! This is definitely NOT the kind of person I want to see incessantly over and over again, on every Candy Crush…
Hmmm... tough choice, but I would go with the color bomb+orange wrapped. I think it would do a better job of clearing the remainding candies better than the striped combo, since there's no guarantee the stripes will go the way you need them to go.
Definitely heart candies if that means I won't have to see a Kardashian on every page. Is there a way to switch contests to collect purple hearts, instead of orange stars and NOT have to see Khloe anymore? Looking at her on every page is totally ruining Candy Crush for me.