@GiantsLass, I agree with you! This is unbelievable that people use this kind of language in a game that some children play. I will tag a Moderator so this can be reported to Support. The next time you see something like this tag the Moderator I will tag in this post. @Nikolaos_Prodromidis, Please report this to Support.β¦
@holliedolly2002, I too had to haha at the Prime Minister reference! That's one for the ages! Also I loved when your game gave you both a colorbomb and coloring candy and they existed as fast as the Prime Minister as well!
@holliedolly2002, I know exactly what you are talking about! I still try to give a player the benefit of a doubt at times, but I've come to realize that I can't do that anymore. If a player fills their blocker first and block me, it's on! I have learned that my opponent is going to block me as soon as they fill theirβ¦
@Nikolaos_Prodromidis, I hear you!!! I think I will decided to just as you did. I used to stay in the game no matter what the score was. This "blocking party" has me thinking like you that they donβt deserve the 7 points either! So, now it's on!!! "Blocking Party" Players, you have been put on notice. I will disengage fromβ¦
@Queen_Elsa, There was only one of these I had to look up, the original Frankenstein writer. The reason I didn't have to look up the others because I have a Sister born on Halloween and I already looked up things regarding Halloween. There was another I didn't know but you provided the clue, that's in my spoiler answer.β¦
@mwitcher, @Nikolaos_Prodromidis I know how you feel! It's a "blocking party" all across the Arenas. Sometimes they even block you twice in one turn. It truly has taken the fun out of the game for most players. For me, I have changed my strategy in blocking, like you I used to not block you until you block me, I don't doβ¦
@holliedolly2002, @Nikolaos_Prodromidis, I don't think they will eliminate the cages from the game. You just have to block them too. I know it is not your style of play but you have to change with the hand you're dealt. When they block, you block. I know you donβt play often, only when the Arena you love, so when you play,β¦