Sadly, they don’t care what the players want. We are going on 2 years for them to implement just ONE of our ideas... and I’m not talking about removing the blockers they put on players a few months ago. The only way change will happen is when it starts hurting their pockets. Until then they know people will spend money and…
It’s funny I used to be so addicted to this game. Even with all scamming & cheating. I quit cold Turkey and never looked back. I suggest to take a break and you will see how much happier you are not being mad playing a game that should be for joy and entrainment.
Signing out won’t cause you to lose your boosters. You’re not deleting the game. You are simply logging out. But if you can’t play then those boosters are meaningless anyways.
@NikolaosProdromidis I agree with you on this. Doesn’t make sense to block someone with tickets remaining. Plus they stated since April 23rd but haven’t seen anyone else complaining about it. We all know there would be. I know I used to have a lot of problems with finding an opponent when i first started playing but only…
@Allouna76 welcome back!! I have stopped playing RC and won’t until things change. The urge to play is gone for me & I played 24/7 when I did. I still come on here but that’s it. Hopefully you’re time playing is a happy one.
And this is why I quit this game!! They won’t change anything to benefit us players!! It’s going on 2 years!! It doesn’t take that long to fix things on this game.