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mcpaulcarron Level 2


  • Success!!! 😊 thank you so much for all your help. I completed the game. I contacted King and they said I needed to make sure I used all my moves, I would normally skip at the end, and this has worked. Thank you once again and enjoy your weekend!! Paul
  • Hi. thanks so much for the messages. Hopefully it will just be a glitch in the game. Will send a message to King support later. Thank you for outlining the steps. hope you have a great weekend too
  • Hi again 👋 thank you for the reply. I am using an iPhone X and the version of the game is It’s the latest version. I have completed the game a lot of times but it won’t let me proceed. Strange. How do I complain to King support please? have you been able to pass this level? thanks again Paul
  • Hello, thanks for the reply. Yes, Farm Heroes Super Saga. I lost money trying to play this level.
  • I have the same problem on iPhone. Can’t get to level 5746

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