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Can someone please explain the logic behind level 1464 as I can't seem to find any.

Gareth_Reed Posts: 1

Level 1

The apperance of pets seems to be totally random. I cannot find any logic which will allow the pets to appear. At first I thought it would be if I cleared an entire column but this wasn't the case as i have done this several times without a pet appearing.


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526

    I haven't played this level yet but there will be a mechanic behind it definitely:

    Use this video as a reference to see how it works:

  • Curtiosity
    Curtiosity Posts: 5

    Level 2

    It seems like the animals fell when you could get a chain of bombs exploding most of the blocks and making the top row of each column (at least the 5 middle columns) fall.  If there are two groups of bombs and you can click on some blocks that will make the two groups into one, then do that before exploding the bombs.  This is one of those you just have to try a lot of times until you get lucky enough.

  • ebee8472
    ebee8472 Posts: 72

    Level 3

    i'm on this level now; just what I need again, a level that takes lots of turns and lives and possibly gold to finish. wonder if there is going to be a level where you have one move and its game over....this level stinks, should've been under the category "super insane level"
  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,117
    ebee8472 said:
    i'm on this level now; just what I need again, a level that takes lots of turns and lives and possibly gold to finish. wonder if there is going to be a level where you have one move and its game over....this level stinks, should've been under the category "super insane level"
    Hi @ebee8472. Welcome to our Community  =)

    Some Level can be challenging but with some patience and clear strategy , all level can be beaten 
    Tips for Level 1464
    There is nothing difficult about setting off bombs.
    All you need to do is blow up the bombs until enough Pets fall. dont click block!

    Use helped booster just if you need.

    The difficulty is in the time it takes, so have patience and keep repeating the level until enough random Pets fall.
    Keep trying , Dont give up . You can do it my freinds 
  • moniek1508
    moniek1508 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I made a account so I can comment on level 1464.

    This level makes no sense at all.

    When I rescued 6 out of 7 animals I had 15 moves left, but I didn't get an 7th animal!

    This is ridiculous!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,445

    I am going to tag @Lynette our pet rescue expert, see if she can shed any light on it for you 😊

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,168

    Sorry, I am not much help with this one - the words Kiara used above were from my tips.

    This level is all random, there is no logic and no strategy the only difficulty is keeping your patience while you play it over and over until it finally works 😕

    I certainly understand the 15 moves left and no pets falling! It has happened to me before also.

    Think of it this way, every time you make one of those moves either a pet falls, or not. It was just unlucky that the answer was 'not' 15 times in a row!

    Good luck with this level, I hope you pass it next try!

  • Efunk77
    Efunk77 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Level 1464

    I finally figured it out. You have to use the bombs. Each time you blow up bombs, it starts with 1 bomb, then 2 sometimes 3 bombs. You have to blow up the bombs together so if there is a row between them then you need to use a rocket or paint brush to move the row without bombs over. Each time you successfully blow up the bombs the numbers increase. 3 bombs become 5. Then 9 or more. Once you blow up the 9 a pet will drop. I will try to post a video-

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

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