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Hi all, new to the community but been playing pet saga for a long time. I’m T, I’m on level 2440, I live in Australia and this is my 1yr old baby girl Arya. She’s a huge weirdo, full of energy, loves cuddles and an Am staff. Love her to bits x
My cat 😻
First snow
This is Memphis. He’s half Maine Coon and half Savannah cat. He’s super smart, super big, and is only 9 1/2 months old. He weight 13 pounds.
This is my sweet Mini-Pin, Bonnie.... like Bonnie and Clyde haha She's my silly, crazy girl and certified thief! Snacks, clothing, kleenex, if she finds it, she'll have it!
Top picture Jax (strip going down his nose). His brother is Tig.
Bottom picture Finn he just wanted to get to know his new sister. Lola is the one licking her nose
I don’t know why these other pics of Memphis are sideways. He’s so smart and gets along better with dogs than other cats. He’s the alpha male and is very protective of his family.
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