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Women's Month 22: What is the quality you admire the most in a woman?



  • Nadia1770
    Nadia1770 Posts: 867

    I admire the Woman's power!!!

  • AdnilN
    AdnilN Posts: 6

    Level 2

    My mom exemplified women.....kind, caring, compassionate. Lived life to the fullest. Even after her death, she continues to shine her love on everyone through her accomplishments she made in the medical field.

  • Smorr36
    Smorr36 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    I really admire the qualities of empathy and compassion in women. So much of our world is filled with harsh judgements of what’s right or wrong and instead of supporting and loving one another, people are so quick to throw stones. I find it endearing when we show empathy and compassion to one another and offer our love and support.

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    The Kingdom is full of strong, hard working women whose only goal is to help others ❤️

    Happy Women's Month 2022 girls 😀

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 58,120


  • DanielProGamer
    DanielProGamer Posts: 1,444

    which is what gives us life, also they never give up

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946

    One of the qualities I admire most in a woman is her strength and determination to pursue whatever path she sets her mind too, especially seeking non-traditional roles and never giving up while pursuing her dreams.


  • Kimrr
    Kimrr Posts: 18

    Level 2

    The thing that I admire most of a woman is that a woman can stand alone and can take care of themselves. Women are strong, some are independent, good mothers, educated, and are protectors. Women are brave, hardworking, loving, and caring. Women are responsible and mature faster than men. Women are go getters. Women can strive when no one else can. When a woman loves themself first there is no doubt what they can do and accomplish.

  • MaryLuyo2020
    MaryLuyo2020 Posts: 1,341

    The quality that I admire most in a woman is her strenght and perseverance.

  • bekicrusher
    bekicrusher Posts: 1,454

    The quality I admire most is independence - the strength to be yourself and being enough for yourself. 💪

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