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Can't access previous levels.....

LINDARAZOR1 Posts: 155 Pro Player 👑

Is anyone else having trouble or unable to go back on levels now that this grow a pet thing came about? We used to be able to go to the group of pet events but now it goes to the homepage and I don't understand why it's doing that I want to go back to level 809 in Fable Forest but it's not letting me. Can anybody help me get back? Please help me.


  • ArturGustavo
    ArturGustavo Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited August 2022

    The same with me, the screen is caught in the puppy who wants to play and does not appear the map to change level. This on iOS, because on Android a "+" sign appears on the side of the level that can be accessed 1 by 1, only after passing the current level.

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 6,351 Pet Rescue Moderator
    edited August 2022

    Hi @LINDARAZOR1 and @ArturGustavo

    I'm not sure if it is a glitch with this version of the 1,2,3, Grow event, or it's supposed to be this way.

    I am hoping that it will be fixed when the game is updated on Monday.

    Keep an eye on this post and we will provide any updates about this for you.

    LINDARAZOR1 Posts: 155 Pro Player 👑

    Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to all players!! You deserve a special badge!! Thanks for cell the support and patience and hard work 🌹🌹🤗🤗.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?