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Yesterday I was at level 950, now I am at level 1, what happened?

Kelly_Syversen Posts: 2 Newbie

Yesterday I was at level 950 something and today when I log on to play I am back at level 1. Why? What's going on and can this be fixed?


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 6,640 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hello Kelly, 

    To restore your Level, play level one, then reload the game. Let us know here if it does not help.

  • Kelly_Syversen
    Kelly_Syversen Posts: 2 Newbie

    I did that 3 times before I came to look for help. No matter how many levels I play, when I go back it makes me start again. The game was fine yesterday.

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 6,640 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Sorry that you are still at Level 1 after trying to reload :(

    Your progress will be able to be restored but someone from King will have to look into your game to do it.

    I will alert them to the fact that you (and many others) have this problem.

  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061 Community Manager

    Hi Kelly,

    I have sent you a private message, so that we can check your player account. Please click on the envelope icon on the top right corner of the screen and kindly get back to me with the details in order to solve the issue.

    Thanks Lynette for helping out :-)

    Kind regards,

    - Mark, Team King Care

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