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Level examples are not the same as the Level I'm on?

Lynette Posts: 6,646 Pet Rescue Moderator

Are your Pet Rescue Saga Levels are not the same as the previous example for the level number you are on? 

Please read and comment on this post only (do not start a new one!)

Some players are finding that their levels are appearing in a different order than the example Levels!


First read and follow any relevant trouble shooting tips as explained at this link:


Then, if you are still experiencing problems comment under this post with as many of these answers as you can:


1. Has troubleshooting been done, if yes, what?


2. Game app version?


3. Make and model of device?


4. Operating system (OS) installed?


5. Available storage on device (if mobile device)?


6. Screenshot of error, is there an error message?



This information can help King fix the problem, thank you for helping :-)



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