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Please post in the comments here if you have this message appear too frequently when you are playing Pet Rescue Saga.
Help us to help King to troubleshoot why this is happening?
For myself, it is only when I'm playing on Facebook, and often not long after Facebook notifications pop up. It happens more frequently for me when Facebook is busy also.
I usually play on Chrome, but I think it occurs in Firefox also (I will check!)
Please comment below, let us know when you see it, plus what browser you're on at the time.
Keep an eye on this post for any official replies!
I keep getting this message. It has increased and I am getting it several times per day. It stops me from getting rewards after finishing for instance Weather report and the Mountain since the error message often come when I have finished those competitions and am looking forward to rewards.I am using Google Chrome.Another problem is that the getting-stuck below-the mountain-thing has restarted.It was calm for 3 weeks but now the stucking is back.King doesnt make it easy for us to play the game and enjoy it. You begin to hate it since you know you will get stuck or get the error message. The obvious solution is to stop playing the game but I will keep on for a few more weeks hoping that King will eventually fix things even if I understand that this is a vain hope....
J ' en ai déjà parlé il y a 7 semaines et on m' a répondu que le problème était résolu ==> https://care.king.com/en/pet-rescue-saga/erreurs-systematiques .. J 'avais abandonné l' ordinateur pour jouer sur tablette. Depuis le début de l' année c' est devenu normal, mais cela reviens quand je joue pour le compte d' autres joueurs qui ont abandonné le jeu. Par conséquent cela ne viens pas des navigateurs mais uniquement de King qui soigne ses présentations mais qui ne s' occupe pas de ses " bugs " et il en existe beaucoup. On a beau écrire soit par mails soit par King.care c' est toujours la même rengaine si bien que l' on en a assez et que nous jouons avec les incidents de ce jeu qui était intéressant au début et qui est devenu lamentable. On a l' impression que les concepteurs n' écoutent pas les joueurs et n' en font qu' à leur tête. ceci est ma dernière intervention car c' est le RAS LE BOL. Surtout avec mon intervention concernant les boosters " pioches " ==> https://care.king.com/en/pet-rescue-saga/pourquoi-king-ne-sais-pas-compter-il-faut-retourner-a-l-ecole
mon texte a été transformé suite au changement de langage et je m' en excuse. Il faut lire que les concepteurs n' écoutent pas les joueurs
et quand je dit 7 semaines je dirais plutôt des mois
pourquoi se débrouiller pour des joueurs et surtout King qui s' en foutent littéralement, que de réponses ???????? qu' ils se débrouillent avec leurs " bugs "
Adding these posts as they are also about the same topic:
I get that stupid error message all of the time. The worse part is that it occurs just as Ièm getting my golden panda or in the middle of a level that I know I can finish. I also have a problem with the game freezing. I get duplicate tabs notice when I only have Pet rescue on. Every time any of these issues occurr I have to reload the page and lose my progress.
la réponse dans 6 mois comme d' habitude, vous êtes les rois des " BUGS " et incurables, vous vous en foutez, alors a quoi bon écrire. Vous êtes bien les rois et vous seriez viré si j' étais votre employeur ===> the answer in 6 months as usual, you are the kings of the 'BUGS' and incurable, you do not care, so what good is it to write. You are kings and you would be fired if I were your employer
Dlaczego po zalogowaniu na fb tracę możliwość rozegrania poziomów z bonusami "czarne zamki" - FARM HEROES SUPER Saga?
Roro94000. It would be nice if technical issues did not exist and if you are so sure that you could fix everything, instead of spamming peoples posts when they are posting for help or trying to help other players, then maybe you could suggest a fix to King. If you look on their website they are hiring.
The world would be a lot simpler if there wasn't so many devices or versions of devices out there but that is life and your constant moaning about King and people helping is putting off other people from asking.
The Community Superstar you insist on following around complaining on every post she writes, doesn't actually work for King as I do not. She gives up her time working tirelessly on the game to help other players in between actually having a life.
Might I suggest that if you are having so many problems with the games and the companies, that you either find new games to play (although good luck finding ones that never have any issues) or find something to do that is offline. Some fresh air in your lungs and a new hobby and you will feel so much happier and less angry.