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I am from Camano Island WA
Hello, I play from the Czech Republic
Ahoj hraju z Česka
Pet rescue 6365 is not fixed and I didn’t know it had a problem and spent 20 dollars trying to pass it waiting for the fifth ballon to drop. I want my money back or credit to my game .
I paid for items or paid for more moves and i didnt get them but they took my money so many times what do we need to do
bologna italia
Fajna gra pozdrawiam serdecznie Ela
Granny new to site but not game. Hello to all and always looking for new friends especially to enjoy the game as well as assist on those stumpers you spend all day on, ask for help, then wash and repeat lol. Enjoy Mothers Day all you Moms!
Phyllis (GamerGranny47)