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Level 2
This leve is impossible to complete without spending gold bars , because why have 22 moves and for each move appear only one pet . 22 moves 22 pets , but why have to collect 24 pets . This is not fair.
Bonjour oui la même chose je suis coincé à ce niveau aprés avoir été longtemps coincé au 6363 mais maintenant qu'il a pu être corrigé l'obstacle est passé mais maintenant c'est le 6381 qui coince, en espérant qu'il puisse être modifié.
This level is difficult...can anyone help?
6381 impossible it ls supposed to be fun
Here we go again , level 6363 fixed after many boosters and no gold left . Level 6381….. no fun anymore.
Impossible le niveau 6381 sans coup supplementaires
que 21 possible pas 24 !!!
6381 impossible!!!!!!! help me
i am going crazy here, I can not pass this level and refuse to spend money to get extra lives, I have been playing this game since 2014.and the levels are just getting impossible to complete unless you buy extra lives
Hi, we are aware this level is too difficult to play without extra moves. It has been reported to King.
They do not work weekends so we must be patient and wait for a fix, then also look out for a game update to pick up this new version of the level.
It is impossible to pass level 6381 without gold bars to get extra moves. Help please!