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The dreaded Duplicate Tab is back !! it was ok this morning but now, every time I'm playing a game the "Duplicate Tab box" appears. Can this be sorted please. Many thanks
I'm having the same problem. I have refreshed, and even rebooted my computer and still getting the Duplicate Tab. Thank you!
Same issue! Duplicate Tabs. I've done everything I can think of, including rebooting my computer. Please fix this. Thank you
I shut down the computer before going to bed last nite and this morning I could log in to the game. But this evening I started to get the "duplicate tabs" message after I started to play! and it then shut me out of playing. No other tab is open on my computer. Task Manager does not show anything open. this is very very irritating. Please, FIX IT.
Same here it's very frustrating
This is a problem with king, [ duplicate tabs] because i am using my daughters laptop now and I am still having the same problem,
Hi everyone, the duplicate tabs problem is a common problem for browser, therefore there is a simple solution to it. Every browser have a small piece of software call "duplicate tabs closer" that can add to the extension when activated this problem can be resolved. So just go to web site search "duplicate tabs closer" for your browser, and download to browsers extension, restart your computer. Hope this will work for you, good luck.
I thought yesterday everything was back to normal but today I am having the duplicate tabs message AGAIN. I have deleted all my history, cleared cache, restarted my laptop and even tried on a different browser but nothing works. This is very annoying. Can King and Facebook not work together?
Hi, we have a post dedicated to this issue here: Facebook/computer 'duplicate tabs' message
Hi @JJLC @Sherry-9 we have a post dedicated to this issue here: Facebook/computer 'duplicate tabs' message