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Why change Pet Rescue Saga..

Tracey_Tolton Posts: 1 Newbie

Why change it I hate the new version please bring back the original one. I will not be playing it anymore until it is put back....


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 6,422 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hello Tracey, 

    Sorry, but Pet Rescue is having to change to HTML5 because our browsers are phasing out using Flash (which the game runs on at the moment)

    During the change over we seem to be getting the mobile version of the game, which is why it looks different and you have access to different challenges and bonus games. 

    Don't give up on the game just yet. Be patient and wait until the change over is complete (they are rolling it out to just some players at a time)

    I am assuming that once everyone has the change then we will all have the same bonus games etc

    Here is a post that explains the changes, it is about Candy Crush, but applies to all the games that are changing:Game changes

  • Helen_Archer
    Helen_Archer Posts: 1 Newbie

    Hello Tracey, 

    Sorry, but Pet Rescue is having to change to HTML5 because our browsers are phasing out using Flash (which the game runs on at the moment)

    During the change over we seem to be getting the mobile version of the game, which is why it looks different and you have access to different challenges and bonus games. 

    Don't give up on the game just yet. Be patient and wait until the change over is complete (they are rolling it out to just some players at a time)

    I am assuming that once everyone has the change then we will all have the same bonus games etc

    Here is a post that explains the changes, it is about Candy Crush, but applies to all the games that are changing:Game changes

    I really hope the game goes back to how it was - it looks shady and the fact that I have to choose where I want to put my rocket blah blah blah - you get the point - if this is temporary I really hope so - because I won't be playing if it looks and feels like it does now :( regards: a several years loyal player

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