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Me too! I send a report about it. I did see that someone said something about 7855 so, it must not be everybody. Probably just those that play on desktops.
I passed level 7850 on my phone but now I'm stuck on level 7855 because that level only drops 8 pets when you need 10 to pass it. I have tried to pass it multiple times on the laptop and my phone but still won't drop more than 8 pets.
Yes, it goes into an endless loop on the computer version, and you can't start the level. It does work on my Android phone though.
Did you by chance pass level 7855? I played and passed level 7850 on my android but now I'm stuck on level 7855 because the level won't drop more than 8 pets when you need 10 to pass it. I have tried multiple times to pass 7855 on my laptop and my android and it just won't drop more than 8 pets.
There is a problem with 7850 as it's not loading.I moved on after completing 7849 and when i click on 7850 it will not load up just comes up as failed when i haven't even played it.Can you fix it please.I've refreshed several times to no avail
cant load game for 7850 goes to 7849 and says re try. stuck and cant play game.
Me too! It's broken and it's been like that for a whole day now.
Mais c'est quoi ce niveau7850 qui ne peut se charger? Au secours 😥
oh oui! Corrigez ce bug s'il vous plait!
I have contacted them three times but no answer.