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I promise, nobody is laughing. Certainly not the studio who have to make sure its fixed AND get new levels out this week along with all their other jobs. I know its annoying when you just want to play but unfortunately its clearly taking longer than it should be to fix. We do not even know if its just King or Facebooks side too 😒
Lady Choo, I just want to thank yourself and the team for all the work you are doing to resolve the issue of 8011 played via facebook on laptops. Sadly, I don't have any other devices and look forward to this fix being resolved as soon as you and the team are able. Thank you for keeping us updated.
Unfortunately the community team can only badger for more information and pass all your comments on, but they are looking into why the fix didn't take place I promise 🤗
It is frustrating when you only have the one device though and its not working on it and we do understand. Thank you for being considerate despite that! 🎃
I looked on you tube to see how we can pass 8011 and it shows saved 7 pets and they passed the level have a look and you will see.
holaaa——a mi me aparecen 7 mascotas..pero me pide 8 mascotas….la 8 mascota no aparece
Hi @Gabriella61 I'm not a game writer, so this is all just personal opinion, but I don't believe this is being done 'on purpose' to stop facebook players.
I think it is simply that writing the computer version of the game seems to present more difficulties than writing an app.
Plus, all changes etc need to be compatiable with and probably approved by facebook.
I don't know if you've noticed but many of the other game makers have already abandoned making games for facebook as it's just too hard.
There was also a delay in them knowing it was still not working on facebook as it was assumed the level was fixed everywhere. I suspect they might have just thought any complaints were from people who just needed to update their devices!
Youpi! Le jeu remarche et ne demande que 7 animaux à faire descendre! Merciiiiii😀😍😘
Good news! They finally fixed it! level 8011 is working, they didn't add a pet, they let the 7 but modified the demand. Good gaming!
finally lol. Excellent news.
finally fixed and able to play…thank you so much…do not really care about petopia…just glad I can play levels again and level 8048 was not bad…appreciate you "Lady Choo" and Lynette for keeping my grouchy a** informed..